Initial setup of your account

Upon creating your email account on the new Yellowknife mail server, your password will be set to a new unique temporary password. You will need to contact Yellowknife support staff to receive the updated password. To change your password, you will need to log into our web mail client and set it.

Please go to and go to Customers → Webmail. This will take you to RoundCube. This is one of two webmail client Yellowknife provides to access your email account. However, RoundCube is the only webmail client that provides an option to reset your password.

Once you are on the login screen enter your email address. This is the email address you had with CBBmail. Enter your temporary password and click Login. After you have successfully logged in, to reset your password, you need to go to Settings and then Password. If not already populated, enter your Current Password, New password and Confirm new password. Now click Save. If you do not see any errors, you have then successfully updated your password. If at any time you forget your password and need to have Yellowknife reset it, just give us a call and our support staff will be able to assist you with this request.